Archive of Suggested Datasets

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Arts, Music, Literature Arts, Music, Literature Budget / Finance logo by Renan Ferreira Santos from the Noun Project Budget / Finance Economy logo by Vectors Market from the Noun Project Economy Education logo by Sergey Patutin from the Noun Project Education Elections / Politics logo by Jean Soo from the Noun Project Elections / Politics Environment Environment Food logo by Creative Stall from the Noun Project Food Government and Politics logo by Government by Larea from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Government and Politics Health / Human Services logo by Timothy Miller from the Noun Project Health / Human Services Parks / Recreation logo by Pipe Rosas Licht from the Noun Project Parks / Recreation Planning / Zoning Planning / Zoning Public Safety logo by Rohith M S from the Noun Project Public Safety Real Estate / Land Records Real Estate / Land Records Transportation logo by Dmitry Baranovskiy from the Noun Project Transportation Uncategorized logo by Edward Boatman from the Noun Project Uncategorized